• ★ Introduction of Cheese Taccarbie everyone loves

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    To tell the trend of food, I started this page.

    We will introduce the trend of food to eat in the furnace chowder!

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Buzzed gourmet, cheese tacklebie

  • Do you know "Cheese Taccarbie"?

    Cheese Taccarbie now can be eaten everywhere.

    By the way, "Taccarbie" is one of Korean iron pot dishes, meat and vegetables, and fried dishes that you can stir together.

  • Cheese Taccarb 1
  • It seems that chicken with bone was originally used, but now various taccarbs are on sale!

    It is a dish that can be enjoyed even in stalls in Korea!

    In Korean, "Tatto" means chicken, "Calbi" means "ribs", which means "Chicken meat eating meat around the bones".

    By adding cheese to such a sweet tacklebie, it becomes a mild flavor, and the dish which became exquisite as alcohol and rice surprisingly surprises is "Cheese Taccarbie"!

  • Let's eat!
  • People who did not know. Cheese Taccarbie is a very busy dish last year, young people, it is also popular among girls!

    As a matter of course girls like cheese. Besides, if a booming boom is coming, popular comes out if it becomes the two collaboration.

    It is a dish that became popular enough to appear in a chain store that develops nationwide, so if you do not know, you may miss the topic. People seem to continue popularity this year, so if you do not know much, please remember this page exactly.

Sea of cheese instantiated

  • Originally the Korean idol group was popular among young women, there was a foundation that Korean food was received instagram from the flow. I often hear stories about going to Korean Town in Shin Okubo to eat rice to take a picture. It also boosted such instagram culture, cheese taccarbie gradually became a topic a few years ago, the aspect that the popularity exploded last year.

    Such cheese tackleballs and also Machida came to be seen frequently.

Machida also cheese tacklebie.All-you-can-eat ★

  • Chew Cheese
  • In Machida, there are more stores that can eat cheese taccarbie, but in this case you can eat whatever you want in a refinery in the furnace! You can eat it for 2 hours 2680 yen for 2 hours and 2980 yen for 3 hours!

    Is it reasonable and may I be satisfied like this? Satisfaction that I thought he would voiced unexpectedly.

  • Shime
  • In the next day, you can add rice to the sea of ​​spicy cheese and it is finished in a mellow risotto style. Eating it with cheese is painful as it is, and liquor will advance until the end of the last minute.

    Cheese Taccarbie is a premise that it is popular among women, but appetite is intensified with spicy spices, cheese is heavy, plenty of meat plenty, plenty of vegetables. We accept everyone, not limited to women. People who did not like to eat "I do not know well" are a wasteful way, so please do try it by all means!